Healing Trauma through Attachment Resourcing and EMDR Therapy: A Comprehensive Approach to Recovery

EMDR therapy accerates healing so you can experience freedom

Trauma can profoundly impact individuals, disrupting their sense of safety, trust, and connection. Addressing trauma requires a multifaceted approach that acknowledges the complex interplay between past experiences, attachment patterns, and current symptoms. In recent years, the integration of attachment resourcing techniques with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has emerged as a powerful and comprehensive approach to treating trauma. This essay explores the principles of attachment resourcing, the therapeutic process of EMDR, and the synergistic benefits of combining these modalities to facilitate healing and recovery from trauma.

Understanding Attachment Resourcing:

Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, emphasizes the significance of early relationships in shaping individuals' attachment styles and their ability to regulate emotions and form healthy connections throughout life. Attachment resourcing involves utilizing attachment-related interventions to enhance clients' sense of safety, stability, and support before engaging in trauma processing.

Attachment resourcing techniques aim to strengthen clients' internal resources and capacity for self-regulation, drawing upon secure attachment principles. These techniques may include:

1. Safe Place Visualization: Guiding clients to imagine and cultivate a safe and nurturing inner sanctuary where they can retreat during times of distress.

2. Nurturing Figures: Encouraging clients to connect with internal or external figures (real or imagined) that embody qualities of safety, comfort, and support, fostering a sense of attachment security.

3. Positive Affirmations: Introducing affirmations or mantras that reinforce clients' worthiness, resilience, and ability to navigate challenging emotions and experiences.

4. Grounding Exercises: Teaching clients grounding techniques, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, or sensory awareness, to anchor themselves in the present moment and regulate arousal levels.

Attachment Resourcing and EMDR Therapy:

EMDR therapy, developed by Francine Shapiro, offers a structured and evidence-based approach to trauma treatment. EMDR aims to facilitate the processing and integration of traumatic memories, beliefs, and emotions, thereby reducing distressing symptoms and promoting adaptive coping mechanisms. When combined with attachment resourcing techniques, EMDR therapy becomes a comprehensive approach that addresses both the underlying attachment-related issues and the traumatic experiences themselves.

The integration of attachment resourcing and EMDR therapy follows a systematic and phased approach:

1. Assessment and Preparation: The therapist conducts a comprehensive assessment of the client's attachment history, trauma experiences, and current symptoms. Attachment resourcing techniques are introduced to establish a foundation of safety and stabilization before initiating trauma processing with EMDR.

2. Attachment Resourcing: The therapist collaborates with the client to identify and cultivate personalized attachment resources, such as the safe place visualization, nurturing figures, and positive affirmations. These resources are practiced and strengthened to enhance the client's sense of security and self-regulation.

3. Trauma Processing with EMDR: Once the client feels sufficiently prepared and resourced, the therapist guides them through the EMDR protocol, targeting specific traumatic memories, beliefs, and emotions. Bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or tactile sensations, is used to facilitate the reprocessing of these memories, allowing for the integration of adaptive insights and emotions.

4. Integration and Closure: After each EMDR session, the therapist assists the client in integrating the processing experiences and grounding themselves in the present moment. Attachment resourcing techniques may be revisited to reinforce feelings of safety and support.

5. Continued Growth and Maintenance: Throughout the treatment process, the therapist continues to assess the client's progress, addressing any emerging attachment-related issues or trauma-related material as needed. The client is empowered to utilize attachment resourcing techniques independently to support ongoing healing and recovery.

Synergistic Benefits:

The integration of attachment resourcing and EMDR therapy offers several synergistic benefits for trauma treatment:

1. Enhanced Safety and Stability: Attachment resourcing techniques provide a foundation of safety and stability, enabling clients to engage more effectively in trauma processing with EMDR.

2. Increased Emotional Regulation: By strengthening internal resources and attachment bonds, clients develop greater capacity for emotion regulation and distress tolerance, reducing the risk of overwhelming arousal during trauma processing.

3. Targeted Processing: Attachment resourcing allows clients to access a secure internal base from which to explore and process traumatic memories, facilitating deeper insights and more comprehensive healing.

4. Long-Term Resilience: The combination of attachment resourcing and EMDR therapy equips clients with skills and insights that promote long-term resilience and adaptive coping beyond the treatment period.


The integration of attachment resourcing techniques with EMDR therapy offers a comprehensive and effective approach to treating trauma. By addressing underlying attachment-related issues and facilitating trauma processing in a safe and supportive environment, this integrated approach promotes healing and recovery on multiple levels. As therapists continue to refine and expand upon this synergistic model, individuals affected by trauma can find hope and empowerment in their journey towards healing and resilience.

Kimberlee Daughtry-Lopez offers this modality of treatment in working with individuals wanting to heal from past emotional wounding. She had seen great success. She is certified in EMDR and has been using this therapy since 2011.

Text 210-865-2903 to schedule a consult with Kimberlee Daughtry Lopez to learn more.


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